Friday 31 July 2009

Use Your Skills...

You might not think it, but you probably have a specific talent or skill. Perhaps you have had tennis lessons as a child? maybe you are a whiz on the piano? you might be an expert web site designer, whatever you're good at, use it. The quickest, most effective way of making the most of your skills is to hire yourself out! There is most probably someone out there right now who really wants to learn the guitar and you could be the person to teach them.

If you are interested, youll want to get a few posters stuck up around the university, hit all the major notice boards and get it into the local university publications. If you're adventurous and want to spread your wings (which I fully recommend) head down to the local supermarket, they often have public notice boards so get your ad up there. If you have a little bit of seed money, consider the local paper but for now I would stick to free methods.

A little imagination and the worlds your oyseter!

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